Gina recommends ...

Promoting mental wellness in the workplace – Canada

Mental wellness helps employees be more productive. We offer tips for promoting mental health in the work...

Mae writes ...

5 ways reduce distractions at work and improve employee focus – Canada

Emails, text messages, phone calls and office chatter. Maintaining focus in today’s work environment is...

Cindy describes ...

5 ways reduce distractions at work and improve employee focus

Distractions at work raise stress and lower productivity. We offer 5 tips to help employees maintain focu...

Sherry discusses ...

Promoting the benefits of positivity – Canada

Positivity is powerful. Knowing how to remain optimistic can result in better stress management and a hig...

Tiffany shares ...

Promote the benefits of positive thinking

Remaining optimistic can make a big difference in your patients’ quality of life. We offer ideas you ca...

Gail suggests ...

How to create a sensory-friendly classroom for students and staff – Canada

From bright lights to colourful posters, school can be stressful for sensory-sensitive students and staff...

Sherry discusses ...

How to create a sensory-friendly classroom for students and staff

Help all students and staff enjoy school by creating sensory-friendly classrooms. We offer ideas, from mu...

Kathi describes ...

5 tips for providing excellent virtual healthcare for patients – Canada

Virtual healthcare tips like advertising your services efficiently and providing technology training can ...

Chee recommends ...

5 tips for providing excellent virtual healthcare for patients

Offer great virtual healthcare with helpful tips like advertising your services efficiently and providing...

Jason discusses ...

How wearable health devices can empower patients and providers – Canada

Wearable health devices such as smartwatches can give providers access to patient data and provide remote...