Amanda shares ...

How nonprofit giveaways help make communities stronger – Canada

Charitable organizations use nonprofit giveaways to help others and make communities better. We showcase ...

Callie discusses ...

Giveaways for nonprofit organizations: How small gestures of kindness can have big impacts

Promotional products can help make it easier for charitable organizations to achieve their goals. We shar...

Cheryl writes ...

How promotional drawstring backpacks help pediatric cancer families feel more connected

Love Smiles wants to provide every pediatric cancer family with moments of peace by sharing books. See ho...

Sandy chooses ...

More Than 2,500 Organizations Awarded 4imprint® one by one® Grants for Promotional Products for Nonprofits in 2022

In 2022, the 4imprint one by one® grant program awarded more than 2,500 organizations with promotional p...

Cheryl writes ...

How nonprofit giveaways help share kindness with childhood cancer patients

After receiving a token of kindness during her cancer treatment, Sophia decided to share the love with ot...