Meghan discusses ...

How to make your virtual event a smashing success

Virtual events done right can increase attendance and produce a good ROI. We offer ideas on how to make y...

Sarah discusses ...

6 ideas for how to get the best hybrid event sponsors

Hybrid events offer greater reach, better attendance and flexibility for your company and attendees. Chec...

Mark suggests ...

6 ideas for how to get the best hybrid event sponsors – Canada

The right sponsorships are key to a hybrid event’s success. We offer tips and ideas for finding the bes...

Maria describes ...

5 easy tips for remote trade show booth management – Canada

When you’re not physically there, managing a trade show exhibit can seem daunting. It doesn’t have to...

Shaun suggests ...

How to choose the best trade show giveaways for your audience

Entice prospects and improve recall with the right promo item, for the right person, at the right time. W...
