Sarah shares ...

Online best practices: Social media policies for employees

Today, appropriate social media usage is a must. Find out how to implement a social media policy for empl...

Casey recommends ...

one by one® story: Guardians of the Children

Guardians of the Children uses nonprofit promotional items to raise funds and educate the public in an ef...

Sherry suggests ...

Onboarding Best Practices for School Employees

This article explores onboarding best practices for school employees as well as the benefits of an effect...

Suzanne describes ...

Notepad giveaways that do double duty

Two useful promo items merge to become one useful gift. These combination mousepad/notepad giveaways make...

Suzanne recommends ...

Never lose your to-do lists again with adhesive notepad giveaways

Never lose your "To Do" list with notes that can be moved repeatedly and placed anywhere and affect your ...
