Cheryl writes ...

How promotional laundry bags bring hope to those going through tough times

Operation Clean Duds helps all people maintain dignity with clean clothes. See how promotional laundry ba...

Cheryl writes ...

How rescued dogs save veterans (and how drawstring bag giveaways help)

Shelter to Soldier rescues dogs and trains them to become service animals to help struggling combat vets ...

Cheryl writes ...

How small giveaways for runners help provide big comfort for hospice patients

Hospice of the Highland Rim Foundation helps meet practical needs for hospice patients and their families...

Cheryl writes ...

How water bottles for fundraising help answer the call of duty

Many veterans find themselves without food or a home. Veterans Outreach of Wisconsin works to change that...

Sarah discusses ...

Indigenous Outreach International: one by one story

Indigenous Outreach International, was the recipient of a promotions grant through 4imprint's one by one ...