Amy describes ...

How to polish up virtual sales calls: tips for before, during and after – Canada

If your sales team is trying to polish their approach to virtual sales calls, we offer ideas to build rap...

Anne describes ...

How to prepare for your best mobile roadshow – Canada

Instead of asking customers to come to you, take your brand directly to them with a mobile roadshow. We o...

Kelsey discusses ...

How to use the AIDA funnel to convert leads into customers – Canada

The AIDA funnel makes converting potential leads into paying customers a faster and smoother process. We ...

Robert discusses ...

How to use video marketing to boost sales – Canada

Sales videos can boost customer trust, better explain products and services and ultimately increase purch...

Tiffany describes ...

How to use virtual event storytelling to pique interest – Canada

How can you enhance your virtual event to capture and hold attendees’ attention? One way is through sto...