Sherry shares ...

Little-known tools that reduce event-planning stress – Canada

With these helpful tools, planning and hosting your organization’s next big event will be a breeze. Don...

Amy describes ...

Little-known tools that reduce event planning stress

Hosting an event for your nonprofit is a lot of work. For it to be successful, you need to raise enough m...

Karri discusses ...

How to plan a parade that’s one for the books – Canada

If you’re tasked with planning your agency’s parade entry—or the entire parade—here are several t...

Adam shares ...

How to plan a parade that’s one for the books

Whether you’re planning an entire parade or participating with your agency or department, we hope these...

Callie writes ...

Promotional giveaways play an important role in Wheelchair Games’ success – Canada

Since 1985, two national groups—the U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs and Paralyzed Veterans of America—...