Amanda suggests ...

Hold a pitch festival and captivate your class – Canada

This creative, engaging and educational program puts students and their ideas in the spotlight. Plan a su...

Sherry suggests ...

Hold a pitch festival and captivate your class

Engage students with this creative educational program that puts students and their ideas in the spotligh...

Cheryl discusses ...

Helping librarians feel connected through conference swag

Librarians contribute a lot to communities, but many feel alone in their job. See how the WLA Foundation ...

Helpful tips and outdoor giveaways make planning outside events a breeze

Head to the great outdoors for a memorable company meeting or event. These helpful tips and outdoor givea...

Amanda writes ...

Fun holidays to celebrate throughout the year – Canada

Celebrate little-known fun holidays to capture customers’ attention and boost employee morale. Small bu...

Liz suggests ...

Fun holidays to celebrate throughout the year

Celebrate quirky, fun holidays for an experience customers and employees won't soon forget. Give away sma...

Cheryl describes ...

Fueling women’s success and spreading the word using promotional items for nonprofits

Boss 2 Boss Leadership Foundation empowers women and equips them for success. Promotional items for nonpr...

Sarah recommends ...

Fashion meets function: 5 swag ideas for events

When stylish meets practical, recipients remember the moment. The right swag ideas for events can make a ...

Karri describes ...

Event registration tips to increase virtual attendance – Canada

Get more people to sign up for your next virtual event, conference or trade show. We share 6 virtual even...

Karri shares ...

Event registration tips to increase virtual attendance

Boosting attendance at your virtual event or trade show can be a challenge. We offer 6 event registration...