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How to motivate students – Canada

Help students get the most out of every lesson. We offer tips and motivational giveaways to motivate stud...

Tiffany chooses ...

How to motivate students

Knowing how to motivate students helps keep them engaged along their learning journey. We share tips and ...

Gail suggests ...

How to create a sensory-friendly classroom for students and staff – Canada

From bright lights to colourful posters, school can be stressful for sensory-sensitive students and staff...

Sherry discusses ...

How to create a sensory-friendly classroom for students and staff

Help all students and staff enjoy school by creating sensory-friendly classrooms. We offer ideas, from mu...

Kongcheng digs ...

How instructional coaching can benefit your school – Canada

Instructional coaching can create tangible positive outcomes for schools. We discuss four benefits includ...