Suzanne discusses ...

Reusable giveaways put your brand to work in the kitchen

Want your brand seen over and over? Offer customers and employees on-trend reusable giveaways for the kit...

Tiffany suggests ...

Advantageous ways AI can power up customer interactions

One study estimated that by 2020, 85 percent of customer interactions will occur with no human involvemen...

Sarah discusses ...

Advantageous ways AI can power up customer interactions – Canada

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in customer service is on the rise, and it’s likely more common...

Shaun recommends ...

Bite-size ads keep them coming back for more

In 2016, Google® launched a new ad format called bumper ads.

Cory suggests ...

How to optimize your website for voice search – Canada

Half of all internet searches will be voice prompted by 2020. Make sure your website can be found easily ...