Megan digs ...

8 creative ways to diversify your nonprofit revenue – Canada

Strengthen your organization’s financial health with varied sources of revenue, like member dues and le...

Anne likes ...

Be a guide along the donor journey – Canada

Supporting the donor journey from discovery to donation increases the chance you’ll connect with your a...

Mark suggests ...

Create a winning team with business partnerships – Canada

If you’re looking to create a partnership with a for-profit company, check out this list of ways to mak...

Amy describes ...

Crowdfund your nonprofit’s way to donation success – Canada

As online crowdfunding has become more common, people are getting creative with it. Now, nonprofits are g...

Tiffany describes ...

Does your nonprofit need an app? – Canada

About 76 percent of Canadians own a smartphone, and 1 in 5 internet users access the web exclusively on t...