Sherry suggests ...

5 common concerns about virtual care and how to address them – Canada

Here are five of the biggest concerns users have with virtual care and how to overcome them using these t...

Cory describes ...

Popular coping strategies to reduce employee stress – Canada

Stress is a factor in almost every workplace. In fact, 58 percent of Canadians say they are overworked, w...

Matt describes ...

4 simple ways to make New Year’s resolutions stick – Canada

These yearly aspirations for change date back to ancient times when Babylonians, Romans and Medieval Euro...

Kristi suggests ...

Health promotional items to help fight off seasonal germs – Canada

Fight germs and stay well during cold and flu season with preventive measures that include wellness promo...

Zach recommends ...

Create a positive experience for paediatric patients using promotional items for kids – Canada

Going to the doctor is a normal part of life for most people, starting at birth.

Zach digs ...

Essential self-care tips to refuel staff – Canada

Self-care is the deliberate actions people take to care for their mental, emotional and physical health.

Amy likes ...

5 hot safety tips for summertime fun – Canada

Although summertime conjures up images of swimming pools, picnics and parks, there can be a few glitchesâ...

Amy suggests ...

5 tips to achieve healthcare trade show success – Canada

Attendance at healthcare trade shows is on the rise.

Amy describes ...

5 ways to revive patient care with a personalized online experience – Canada

Empower patients to take control of their health by offering a personalized online experience. See how to...

Robert suggests ...

4 bedside manner techniques that boost patient satisfaction – Canada

Refined communication skills can develop into a good bedside manner. Promote healthier patient interactio...