Cheryl discusses ...

How water bottle giveaways boost confidence for underserved kids

Na’amat Canada Calgary helps kids who are living in a shelter feel normal and accepted. See how water b...

Jessie suggests ...

How to mend a donor relationship after a misunderstanding – Canada

Steps such as listening with empathy and taking responsibility can mend a donor relationship. We offer ti...

Maria writes ...

How to make the most of virtual volunteers – Canada

Using virtual volunteers can save you money and give you access to specialty skill sets. We share gift id...

Erin likes ...

How to make small internal changes for nonprofit growth – Canada

Find creative ideas for small internal changes that lead to big nonprofit growth using what you already h...

Cheryl writes ...

How pet giveaways help save two lives at a time

From off the streets and out of the city shelter, the San Antonio Pets Alive! rescue organization uses pe...