Tiffany suggests ...

4 Event Ideas to Shine a Light on Your Nonprofit

Does your fundraising event need a little refresh? Are you looking for ways to add a spark to your next b...

Jason discusses ...

4 budget-friendly ideas to promote your products or services

Facing a few budget challenges in 2022? There are many inexpensive business promo solutions and giveaways...

Sarah recommends ...

4 branding ideas using promotional products to create strong brand equity

Strong brand equity results in higher customer loyalty, longer employee retention and more. Branding idea...

Alexis shares ...

2018 Promotional Product Trends

Add your brand to modern promotional products and have customers look to you as the expert we know you ar...

Erika recommends ...

#SwaggingRights I Pour Life

During the group’s time in Kore, they met many women who have participated in IPL’s programs. “In f...