Amanda describes ...

Smart city initiatives to enhance your community services – Canada

When it comes to urban areas, smart technology can mean big improvements.

Tiffany discusses ...

Skip the Discounts: 5 Alternatives to Building Customer Loyalty – Canada

Your most loyal customers are responsible for more than half of your company’s sales. Learn how to use ...

Yeng writes ...

Simple ways to make your practice more inviting – Canada

While patient care might sound like the domain for doctors and nurses, in truth it starts the moment a pa...

Adam digs ...

Reduce inconvenient no-show appointments with these 6 tips – Canada

No-show appointments and late cancellations can be inconvenient and costly. Check out ideas on how to red...

Tiffany suggests ...

Rally support for public parks – Canada

Did you know more than four in five Canadian households are close to public parks and green spaces? From ...

Liz describes ...

Public engagement: How to keep citizens informed and connected – Canada

Public engagement creates a win for you and your residents. We have tips to ensure citizens receive your ...

Tiffany describes ...

Promote your nonprofit to get people invested in your cause – Canada

If you’re looking for ways to promote your nonprofit, we’re here to help. We offer tips to help get v...

Whitney recommends ...

Presentation tips for a confident speech – Canada

For some people, public speaking is a nerve-wracking experience. It’s not actually clear how many peopl...

Andy digs ...

Organize Your Office with a Little Spring Cleaning – Canada

Spring has sprung! That means it's time to organize your office and tidy up. Get started by checking out ...

Sarah recommends ...

Office visit, urgent care clinic or emergency room – Canada

Learn about the levels of care offered at an office visit, urgent care clinic and ER and how this can aff...