Gina suggests ...

Effective communication strategies to engage parents and teachers – Canada

If everyone spent three minutes reading and responding to each of those emails, they would spend more tha...

Angie suggests ...

Smart city initiatives to enhance your community services – Canada

A smart city collects information about residents’ needs and uses technology to better the community’...

Amanda describes ...

Smart city initiatives to enhance your community services – Canada

When it comes to urban areas, smart technology can mean big improvements.

Jason writes ...

Part 1: How to collect volunteer and client stories – Canada

The power of stories lies in the ability to touch the heart. Stories can make us laugh or cry.

Jennifer discusses ...

How to implement a culture of transparency in your marketing – Canada

What do consumers mean when they say they want transparency? According to a study by Sprout Social®, the...

Yeng describes ...

How to connect with millennial parents – Canada

Every generation has a unique parenting style. These tips and school giveaways will help build better par...

Barb suggests ...

5 ideas for delivering excellent customer service – Canada

Brainstorming ways to ensure you’re delivering excellent customer service in the new year? We offer use...

Cindy shares ...

How to create beneficial community green spaces – Canada

If you’re looking to add a community green space to your neighbourhood, try our ideas on how to create ...

Daryl describes ...

Four practical steps to fast customer service recovery – Canada

From unhappy customer to loyal brand follower—train your team to handle sticky situations with these pr...

Matt describes ...

How to effectively communicate about supply chain issues – Canada

Help your business thrive, even in the face of supply chain shortages, with proper customer and staff com...