Pam suggests ...

5 of the best 2021 nonprofit fundraising trends – Canada

A new year is a great time to try new ways to raise money. We share 2021 nonprofit fundraising trends tha...

Jon writes ...

4 simple tips for monetizing virtual events – Canada

Take your in-person galas and gatherings online. We have tips for monetizing virtual events to raise fund...

Maria writes ...

How to make the most of virtual volunteers – Canada

Using virtual volunteers can save you money and give you access to specialty skill sets. We share gift id...

Barb likes ...

Giving back to donors: 5 gratitude gifts and ideas – Canada

Your donors are the reason you're able to make a significant impact. We share gratitude gift ideas to sho...

Karla recommends ...

Get creative with these 4 year-round fundraising ideas – Canada

Encourage donations 365 days a year by trying these year-round fundraising ideas that are perfect for any...

Gina writes ...

The 5 best holiday fundraisers for nonprofits – Canada

Nonprofits receive one-third of their donations in December. We share 5 of the best holiday fundraisers t...

Angie describes ...

Gamification: The creative fundraising idea that offers big wins – Canada

Use gamification to put the fun in fundraising. Boost excitement and engagement with creative fundraising...

Cheryl likes ...

2020 fundraising trends to connect with donors – Canada

Use 2020 fundraising trends to make critical nonprofit connections.

Jason likes ...

Extend your nonprofit’s reach with live streaming – Canada

These live streaming ideas and nonprofit giveaways let you share fundraising opportunities (and more) wit...

Anne likes ...

Be a guide along the donor journey – Canada

Supporting the donor journey from discovery to donation increases the chance you’ll connect with your a...