Sarah writes ...

Learning from negative feedback to build a better nonprofit

When handled correctly, negative feedback can be a chance to connect with your audience and make positive...

Rebecca digs ...

4 tips for successfully piloting new programs

Ready to pilot your newest program? These tips and participation gifts will help ensure the process is su...

How to hold more productive meetings

Get more done in less time. Our latest Blue Papers® edition provides tips on how to hold more productive...

Rebecca writes ...

5 ways to develop strong virtual leaders

From honing good communication skills to putting trust in team members, try our ideas to help your leader...

Cheryl discusses ...

Setting youth up for business success with junior portfolio gifts

To encourage financial freedom, Lynn Brown Inspires uses entrepreneurship programs and items, like junior...

Andrea describes ...

Design thinking in the classroom: How to teach students creative problem-solving skills

Bringing design thinking into the classroom helps students become creative problem solvers with an empath...

Andy describes ...

Design thinking in the classroom: How to teach students creative problem-solving skills – Canada

Bringing design thinking into the classroom helps train students to solve other people's problems with em...

Dave writes ...

amplify®: Visitor guide

To protect endangered beach wildlife, Tybee Island hands out promo magnets that show visitors how to do t...

Alex shares ...

Improve productivity with 6 helpful nonprofit time management tips – Canada

Managing your workload efficiently can skyrocket productivity and help you know where your time is being ...

Shaun writes ...

Improve productivity with 6 helpful nonprofit time management tips

Good nonprofit time management can get back hours of the day and help your team accomplish more. We offer...