Cheryl describes ...

Fueling women’s success and spreading the word using promotional items for nonprofits

Boss 2 Boss Leadership Foundation empowers women and equips them for success. Promotional items for nonpr...

Cheryl writes ...

Driving hope for lung cancer patients (and how golf giveaways play a part)

After a bike ride from Philly to the Golden Gate Bridge, Ride Hard Breathe Easy was formed to raise money...

Cheryl recommends ...

How promotional materials for nonprofits let survivors know they aren’t alone

Jacksonville Survivors Foundation uses promotional materials for nonprofits to help survivors know they a...

Cheryl writes ...

How a promotional event tent helps share the joy of riding bikes

Dom Fixes Bikes provides a bicycle to anyone in need, whether for recreation or transportation. See how a...

Cheryl writes ...

Dishing out brand awareness with reusable giveaways

Urban Roots provides training and paid internships for youth who feel confused and overwhelmed about job ...