Melanie discusses ...

To the rescue: Superhero giveaways for kids

Superhero giveaways are a winning promotional item for kids, whether they are comic book enthusiasts, mov...

Danielle likes ...

7 promotional item ideas for outdoor fun

Longer days mean more sunshine—and more people taking part in outdoor activities. We’re sharing seven...

Melanie discusses ...

Refresh® coolers make the perfect branded corporate gift

Refresh® coolers are a great addition to your marketing lineup. This product line, available only at 4im...

Michelle describes ...

Cute tech giveaways that say it with a smile

Give a grin and a fully-charged phone with these fun tech giveaways. Items that make your audience smile ...

Michelle shares ...

Power up your promotions with custom charging cables

Universal chargers are the perfect modern giveaway. Custom charging cables for Android®, iPhone® and mi...
