Matt recommends ...

Create an unforgettable experience with customer service – Canada

Stellar customer service pays dividends with more sales and more leads. We offer ideas on using customer ...

Alex suggests ...

Create a cohesive experience with help from promotional products for customers

Providing a seamless experience across all touchpoints fosters stronger loyalty. Thoughtful promotional p...

Debra describes ...

Color their world with fun promo items that catch the eye

Fun promo items bring more attention to your brand. Products available in an array of eye-catching colors...

Kelsey suggests ...

Celebrate local with small business giveaways – Canada

Celebrating local businesses and nonprofits helps keep communities strong. We offer ideas on how to use s...

Zach shares ...

Celebrate local with small business giveaways

Local businesses keep the community strong. Celebrate all things local with creative advertising and part...

Shaun digs ...

amplify: Photo Finish

A couple’s rebranding campaign used a promotional mug that created a buzz on social media giving them t...

Sam describes ...

6 tips on how to start a small business blog – Canada

Companies with blogs get 126% more leads. We share tips on how to start a small business blog, including ...

Debra describes ...

5 ways to easily build a successful referral program – Canada

Trying to boost your referral program but don’t know where to start? We offer easy ideas you can implem...

Sarah recommends ...

5 ways to easily build a successful referral program

Try our ideas for how you can build a successful referral program that becomes your most effective way to...

Liz describes ...

5 ways to connect with customers – Canada

There are many different ways to connect with customers and show them how much they’re appreciated. We ...

Jon describes ...

5 ways to connect with customers

From traditional to non-traditional ideas, there are many ways to connect with customers. We share five i...

Gina writes ...

5 fun ways to improve and personalize customer service – Canada

Studies have shown 86 percent of buyers will pay more for a great customer experience.

Whitney describes ...

5 fun ways to improve and personalize customer service

Everyone knows that customer service is important. But do you know just how important?

Pam describes ...

5 easy steps to re-engage people with your email – Canada

Just because people subscribe to your emails doesn’t mean they read them. Re-engage the people on your ...

Jayne discusses ...

5 easy steps to re-engage people with your email

Get back in touch with your customer list. These re-engagement strategies for email subscribers will help...

Maria likes ...

4 ways to bring cheer with holiday giveaways – Canada

From loyal clients to hardworking employees, make this upcoming holiday season the most joyful yet. We of...

Sarah recommends ...

4 ways to bring cheer with holiday giveaways

Giving gifts makes you and recipients feel wonderful. And corporate holiday giveaways are a great way to ...

Ryan describes ...

4 tips for better customer service on a budget

Taking care of customers also helps you build your bottom line. If you need tips for better customer serv...

Callie writes ...

4 tips for better customer service – Canada

Great customer care leads to a more successful business. Even on a budget, our tips for better customer s...

Sarah recommends ...

4 promotional safety item ideas to help prepare and prevent

Help protect customers, employees and community members by offering promotional safety items that provide...

Tiffany describes ...

4 ideas to help your sales team sell straight from the heart – Canada

Knowing your customers and giving good service is crucial for sales. We offer ideas plus promotional busi...

Jason discusses ...

4 ideas to help your sales team sell straight from the heart

Caring and personalized service can positively impact sales. We offer ideas and promotional business give...

Sarah recommends ...

4 branding ideas using promotional products to create strong brand equity

Strong brand equity results in higher customer loyalty, longer employee retention and more. Branding idea...