Sarah discusses ...

Sustain your brand with eco-friendly promotional products

Choosing eco-friendly promotional products as giveaways helps create a favorable brand impression. We off...

Sarah recommends ...

Promotional Products Work 10th Edition

4imprint Customers tell you how they have used promotional products to grab attention, grow their busines...

Suzanne discusses ...

Sunglasses giveaways that make a statement

The hottest trends in shades can get eyes on your brand. Sport these branded sunglasses giveaways at your...

Suzanne recommends ...

Never lose your to-do lists again with adhesive notepad giveaways

Never lose your "To Do" list with notes that can be moved repeatedly and placed anywhere and affect your ...

Suzanne describes ...

3 animal themed gifts: Bears, tigers and birds, oh my!

Roar, hoot or growl—animal promotional products aren’t just for pets, they’re for people too! We of...
