Alex digs ...

Win big with these popular trade show booth games

With trade show booth games, your company wins big. These fun promotional games attract people to your bo...

Sarah discusses ...

Wings of Eagles Ranch: one by one story

The Wings of Eagles Ranch, a non-profit organization, received a promotional products grant through 4impr...

Zach recommends ...

Winter giveaway ideas to help people bundle up with your brand

Prospects, customers and team members will cozy up with your brand when you use these thoughtful winter g...

Amanda discusses ...

Winter promotional items that will warm up your marketing efforts

Keep them toasty from the top of their head to the tip of their toes with winter promotional items that w...

Michelle describes ...

Wireless chargers: The tech giveaway everyone can use

Customers love tech giveaways—but aren’t always ready to use them. Branded wireless chargers that dou...
