Sam recommends ...

Serve the community better with convenient service options – Canada

Creating new government service options has benefits for the community and your agency. We share three ea...

Adam describes ...

Serving the community, not just customers – Canada

If taking care of the customer is job one, taking care of the community may be job two.

Amie recommends ...

Show the Love with these Support Staff Recognition Ideas – Canada

Show your appreciation with these support staff recognition ideas for bus drivers, crossing guards, schoo...

Sandy shares ...

Show you care with a strong cause marketing strategy – Canada

Doing good in the community is good for business. We share tips on creating a cause marketing strategy, f...

Tiffany discusses ...

Skip the Discounts: 5 Alternatives to Building Customer Loyalty – Canada

Your most loyal customers are responsible for more than half of your company’s sales. Learn how to use ...

Amanda discusses ...

Social media engagement tips that are worth the share – Canada

It may come as no surprise that 94 percent of small businesses use social media for marketing.

Tiffany recommends ...

Sports team sponsorships score major points for your brand – Canada

When it comes to sponsorship spending in Canada, sports are at the front of the pack.

Zach recommends ...

Sustainable Giveaways and Practices for a Zero Waste Event – Canada

Learn how to eliminate the amount of trash generated at your next trade show by hosting a zero waste even...

Shaun chooses ...

Teaching students to embrace mistakes – Canada

The wrong answer is just another way to say, "I'm learning.” When it’s time for teaching students to ...