Gina recommends ...

Promoting mental wellness in the workplace – Canada

Mental wellness helps employees be more productive. We offer tips for promoting mental health in the work...

Mae writes ...

5 ways reduce distractions at work and improve employee focus – Canada

Emails, text messages, phone calls and office chatter. Maintaining focus in today’s work environment is...

Cindy describes ...

5 ways reduce distractions at work and improve employee focus

Distractions at work raise stress and lower productivity. We offer 5 tips to help employees maintain focu...

Sherry discusses ...

Promoting the benefits of positivity – Canada

Positivity is powerful. Knowing how to remain optimistic can result in better stress management and a hig...

Tiffany shares ...

Promote the benefits of positive thinking

Remaining optimistic can make a big difference in your patients’ quality of life. We offer ideas you ca...