Sarah writes ...

How to choose the best promotional apparel for your business

Whether you are buying promotional apparel for employees or customers, these tips will help you choose th...

Amy shares ...

5 creative ways to use pen giveaways

Pen giveaways top the list of useful promotional products. Get ideas on using them for employee training,...

Sarah recommends ...

3 Water Challenge Ideas (Plus Wellness Prizes) to Keep Staff Hydrated

Employees love water challenges and wellness prizes! Here are three easy ideas for how you can add a wate...

Suzanne suggests ...

Seed packet giveaways for the great garden comeback

As the gardening trend heats up, more people are growing their own herbs and vegetables. Reach this growi...

Suzanne recommends ...

Moleskine: Make the “write” impression with notebook giveaways

Moleskine notebook giveaways from 4imprint are a great promotional choice when you are looking to make ju...
