Cheryl writes ...

How small giveaways for runners help provide big comfort for hospice patients

Hospice of the Highland Rim Foundation helps meet practical needs for hospice patients and their families...

Jessie suggests ...

How to mend a donor relationship after a misunderstanding – Canada

Steps such as listening with empathy and taking responsibility can mend a donor relationship. We offer ti...

Erin writes ...

How to mend a donor relationship after a misunderstanding

Repairing upset feelings after a misunderstanding is crucial to improving a donor relationship. We offer ...

Cheryl writes ...

How fundraiser giveaways help create safe spaces for conversations about race

Mission Reconcile helps lead faith-based conversations about race and racial justice issues. Fundraiser g...

Kathi describes ...

How to make small internal changes for nonprofit growth

Boost nonprofit growth with small internal changes that lead to big results. We offer ideas along with no...