Suzanne describes ...

Create stunning displays with foil event balloons

Event balloons aren’t just for parties and graduations. Create stunning displays for your storefront, t...

Suzanne recommends ...

Countdown to the World Cup with soccer promo items

Whether the FIFA World Cup is on the horizon or there's an audience-grabbing local tournament, soccer pro...

Suzanne discusses ...

Cool Promotional Keychains

LEGO® created the coolest promotional keychains for the annual ICPHSO conference. Imprinted with the eve...

Carrie writes ...

Communication with the next generation of patients: How to market to Gen Z – Canada

When you know how to effectively market to Gen Z, you can capture a whole new generation of patients. We ...

Ryan writes ...

Communication with the next generation of patients: How to market to Gen Z

When it comes to marketing to Gen Z patients, think mobile-first, use personas and tap into influencers. ...