Matt describes ...

Effective Trade Show Planning Part 6 – Post Show

Trade show appearances require a lot of time, money and effort on your part. Make the most of this invest...

Meghan discusses ...

Employee gift and event ideas to bring co-workers together

Create workplace joy outside the office with enjoyable team gatherings. Surprise employee gifts are a gre...

Jason describes ...

Engage Clients with Customer Appreciation Gifts

Loyal customers lead to repeat business, upsell opportunities and more. Connect with clients new and old ...

Expert sales training techniques that will step up your game

Making sales is key to staying in business. Our Blue Paper offers proven sales training techniques and tr...

Sarah recommends ...

Fall giveaway ideas to warm hearts

With autumn comes back-to-school, changing weather and spooky fun. These fall giveaway ideas are sure to ...

Sarah recommends ...

Fall into fashion using branded apparel ideas for autumn

Refresh your branded apparel closet with autumn-inspired jackets, hoodies and sweatshirts. Merchandising ...

Rebecca suggests ...

Five thoughtful customer appreciation gifts and ideas that build brand champions

Create deeper client connections and strengthen your working relationships with thoughtful customer thank...

Kelsey discusses ...

Five thoughtful customer appreciation gifts and ideas that build brand champions – Canada

The majority of customers say a surprise gift is the best way to engage them. We offer customer appreciat...

Angie suggests ...

Follow-up tools to turn trade show prospects into customers

According to a survey performed by 4imprint®, 76% of companies attend trade shows to generate leads.

Amy discusses ...

Follow-up tools to turn trade show prospects into customers – Canada

With the help of these four tools—and some memorable giveaways—you can connect with your leads and tu...