Cindy recommends ...

HR insider’s guide to choosing useful promotional items

Looking for the perfect gift to celebrate employee milestones? Or a useful promotional item to hand out a...

Amie discusses ...

Improve your bottom line with workplace fun

Boost your company’s productivity by 12% by experiencing a little enjoyment—and by giving out fun swa...

Sarah writes ...

Increase Job Satisfaction by Building Relationships at Work

The average American spends more time with his or her coworkers than with family or friends.

Erika describes ...

Inspire Team Spirit at Home with Branded Gifts – Canada

Right now, most of us are staying home. But these tips and branded gifts can keep the team spirit alive d...

Zach suggests ...

Jump start the new year with fitness promotional items

The new year is a great time to refocus on health and wellness. Help encourage employees on a quest for a...

Sarah writes ...

Kimberly High School: one by one story

Kimberly High School's Life Force club received a promotional products grant through 4imprint's one by on...

Brian suggests ...

Lights. Camera. Action. Attract top talent using video and recruiting swag

These creative ways to attract top talent with recruiting swag will ensure you can find the best new hire...

Marc digs ...

Lights. Camera. Action. Attract top talent using video and recruiting swag – Canada

Looking for innovative ideas to find and hire top talent? Here are some crative ways to attract and engag...

Kristi suggests ...

Logoed wear to help get the job done

Logoed wear is a valuable tool that helps get the job done. Check out what 4imprint’s apparel expert, S...

Jason describes ...

Meal prep gifts and tips for a healthy lunch – Canada

A good meal can make it a great day. We share ideas and meal prep gifts to help citizens and staff pack a...