Tiffany digs ...

Performance management best practices: How to revise the annual review – Canada

Bid adieu to the annual review. Performance management best practices say frequent feedback, goal setting...

Mark writes ...

5 workplace wellness ideas to get employees moving

Employees with sedentary positions can benefit from taking a break to move. These workplace wellness idea...

Erika likes ...

5 workplace wellness ideas to get employees moving – Canada

Use these workplace wellness ideas to get your staff moving—and improve their productivity.

Carol suggests ...

5 productivity tips to overcome distractions

Constant interruptions make it hard for your team to manage their workload. Help them stay focused with t...

Anne describes ...

5 productivity tips to overcome distractions – Canada

Provide productivity gifts to help your team avoid workplace interruptions.

Angie describes ...

Strengthen your wellness program with gamification

With gamification—turning a non-gaming activity into a game—and a few health and wellness giveaways, ...

Matt describes ...

Strengthen your wellness program with gamification – Canada

With a few health and wellness giveaways, you can increase involvement. In fact, one company boosted part...

Rebecca discusses ...

Why micro-influencers are a fantastic fit for small business

Micro-influencers aren’t only authentic and engaging for your brand, they are a cost-effective tool for...

Meghan describes ...

Why micro-influencers are a fantastic fit for small business – Canada

If your small business is looking for ways to build the community’s trust, improve brand awareness or i...

Shaun writes ...

Simple ways you can better the employee experience

Employee engagement seems to be the buzzword as companies strive to recruit and retain staff.