Angie suggests ...

Smart city initiatives to enhance your community services – Canada

A smart city collects information about residents’ needs and uses technology to better the community’...

Cheryl writes ...

Challenge your community to conserve energy—here’s how!

When we conserve energy, everyone wins. The environment benefits from lower greenhouse gas emissions and ...

Chee digs ...

Challenge your community to conserve energy—here’s how! – Canada

Public modes of transportation, like buses, trains or ridesharing, reduce the number of cars on the road,...

Sarah recommends ...

Get youth engaged in government with these ideas and student giveaways

As a public sector employee, you’re likely no stranger to the fact that government is a complicated ind...

Whitney writes ...

Get youth engaged in government with these ideas and student giveaways – Canada

These ideas, coupled with student giveaways, can help educate young people about all the things their gov...

Angie discusses ...

Improve patient communication by identifying different personas – Canada

Provide better care for patients by understanding different personas and how to communicate with them. Fo...

Pam describes ...

Improve patient communication by identifying different personas

The experience you provide your patients is now more important than ever. By 2020, 88 percent of companie...

Daryl discusses ...

How to drive customer traffic to your door during road construction

Communicating early and often about impending street repairs not only prepares customers, but it also kee...

Sarah recommends ...

How to drive customer traffic to your door during road construction – Canada

Did you know that Canada’s road network is long enough to circle the equator more than 19 times? Thatâ€...

Whitney recommends ...

4 Ways to help patients remember post-visit instructions – Canada

You can help patients retain their post-visit instructions with these simple tips. Use some healthcare pr...