Justin likes ...

Keep your school’s community in the loop using PR giveaways – Canada

Connecting with the community on a regular basis allows people to see the important work your students an...

Jennifer discusses ...

How to implement a culture of transparency in your marketing – Canada

What do consumers mean when they say they want transparency? According to a study by Sprout Social®, the...

Ryan describes ...

5 types of videos perfect for your small business – Canada

Video is a powerful tool to connect with and sell to customers.

Breanna writes ...

5 ways to promote school clubs with promotional giveaways – Canada

If you’re looking to boost membership or convince students to try a new experience, these tips and prom...

Adam describes ...

Serving the community, not just customers – Canada

If taking care of the customer is job one, taking care of the community may be job two.

Yeng describes ...

How to connect with millennial parents – Canada

Every generation has a unique parenting style. These tips and school giveaways will help build better par...

Jon likes ...

How to snag customers with geofencing – Canada

Encourage nearby customers to stop in with geofencing notifications. Use marketing promo items to get sta...

Erika likes ...

How to leverage emerging social media for business – Canada

Being an early adopter of new social platforms can pay off big. Learn about the latest apps to utilize so...

Amanda writes ...

Fun holidays to celebrate throughout the year – Canada

Celebrate little-known fun holidays to capture customers’ attention and boost employee morale. Small bu...

Cindy discusses ...

How to Use Promotional Giveaway Items in Brand Contests – Canada

From social media to team challenges, contests engage audiences of all ages and demographics. Throw in th...