Amanda shares ...

How nonprofit giveaways help make communities stronger – Canada

Charitable organizations use nonprofit giveaways to help others and make communities better. We showcase ...

Cheryl writes ...

How promotional pen giveaways help raise awareness about programs for older adults

The Bernard Betel Centre provides meals, recreation programs and more for older adults. See how promotion...

Cheryl shares ...

More than 1,100 Organizations Receive one by one® Grants for Promotional Items to Help Make a Greater Impact

4imprint’s one by one® program provided more than 1,100 grants for promotional items in Q1 of 2023. Th...

Cheryl discusses ...

Charitable organization rewards supporters with promotional stainless steel water bottles

Ontario nonprofit rewards participants with promotional stainless steel water bottles to raise awareness ...

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More than 1,500 organizations received free promotional items for nonprofits

The 4imprint® one by one® program provided more than 1,500 grants for free promotional items for nonpro...