Sarah shares ...

4imprint® Announces over 800 one by one® Promotional Products Grants Awarded in 2017

In 2017, over 800 schools, non-profit organizations, religious groups and charitable projects received in...

Amie writes ...

3 engaging team-building ice breakers for meetings – Canada

Set the stage for a successful event with these team-building ice breakers for meetings and get your audi...

Diane suggests ...

5 helpful online appeal tips for every nonprofit – Canada

A successful digital ad campaign can bring big results. Follow these steps to snag the online audience wi...

Amie discusses ...

How to tell your story with data – Canada

Regular review of your nonprofit's data allows better tracking of patterns, trends and successes. Celebra...

Adam digs ...

amplify: Branded bandanas unite!

The Canadian Down Syndrom Society made an impact at its national conference by using branded bandanas as ...