Cheryl writes ...

Tote bag gifts connect young volunteers

Led by youth for youth, The McCreary Centre Society empowers young people to improve their peers’ healt...

Cheryl writes ...

Tote bag giveaway supports mission to increase Canada’s leafy canopies

A tote bag giveaway from Trees for Life promotes the organization’s environmentally friendly mission to...

Cheryl recommends ...

Tote bag giveaways commemorate library’s 20th anniversary

Seward Library Foundation provides tote bag giveaways to commemorate the 20th anniversary of its library,...

Cheryl writes ...

Toting the future of justice using dialogue and promotional shopping totes

The Ontario Justice Education Network simplifies the legal system for youth through dialogue. Promotional...

Sarah likes ...

Transforming Faces: one by one story

Transforming Faces helps improve the lives of children born with cleft lip and palate. See how custom jou...

Cheryl digs ...

Unique event giveaways help nurture the next generation of conservationists

Blending Indigenous and non-Indigenous perspectives, Ontario Nature gives its Youth Summit participants u...

Sarah shares ...

United Way of Trail and District uses sticker giveaways from a one by one® grant to bond with donors

See how the United Way of Trail and District used sticker giveaways to thank the donors whose support all...

Sarah suggests ...

Using branded labels to raise awareness when disaster strikes

Earthquakes. Floods. Fires. Building Resilient Communities used branded labels to spread awareness about ...

Cheryl discusses ...

Using event promotional items to celebrate young readers

Cultivating the whole child, with a focus on literacy, is at the heart of Scholars Unlimited. Event promo...

Cheryl writes ...

Using promotional coloring books for safety education

Promotional coloring books on internet safety are an impactful surprise for young participants who engage...

Cheryl discusses ...

Volunteer appreciation gifts from the one by one® program were a hit for the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) of Rock County

Learn how volunteer appreciation gifts are helping the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) thank ...

Cheryl writes ...

Volunteer recognition gifts salute those serving seniors

Davidson County Senior Services volunteers help older adults live independently. At an annual event, volu...

Cheryl shares ...

Volunteer recognition gifts thank those who revitalize coastal waters

ReClam the Bay supporters aren’t afraid of a little dirt and water. As a thank-you for their hard work,...

Cheryl discusses ...

Water bottles for students teach lessons in hydration

Surfari Pals is a nonprofit providing character development lessons for elementary students. A grant prov...

Sarah discusses ...

Wings of Eagles Ranch: one by one story

The Wings of Eagles Ranch, a non-profit organization, received a promotional products grant through 4impr...

Cheryl recommends ...

You Are Not Alone (YANA) Comox Valley: one by one story

You Are Not Alone (YANA) is dedicated to helping families with sick children. See how custom logo backpac...