Megan digs ...

8 creative ways to diversify your nonprofit revenue – Canada

Strengthen your organization’s financial health with varied sources of revenue, like member dues and le...

Amy writes ...

A digital press kit for your nonprofit

This article discusses using a digital press kit to tell the media your nonprofit organization’s story ...

Cheryl writes ...

A nourishing blend: Healthy food and water bottle giveaways strengthen vulnerable families

CityReach Care Society provides fresh hope in the form of local produce, school supplies and more for vul...

Sarah shares ...

A warm thanks for volunteers with branded toques

CADS introduces those with disabilities to the joy and freedom of outdoor winter activities. Branded toqu...

Carol discusses ...

Ace your charity outing with golf giveaways

Charity golf outings are an effective (and fun) way to raise awareness and funds. Find the best golf give...