Amy discusses ...

four-tips-for-inclusive-event-planning – Canada

Knowing how to recruit, engage and retain top teachers can be a major administrative challenge. We share ...

Gail recommends ...

Four tips to improve government employee retention – Canada

Improve government employee retention by preventing burnout. Find ways to motivate employees to stay, fro...

Mary likes ...

Four tips to improve government employee retention

Burnout is impacting the public sector. Improve government employee retention by leveraging the latest to...

Daryl describes ...

Four practical steps to fast customer service recovery – Canada

From unhappy customer to loyal brand follower—train your team to handle sticky situations with these pr...

Lia describes ...

Four practical steps to fast customer service recovery

Even the most well-oiled machine can slip up. Transform negatives into positives that create loyal follow...

Sarah recommends ...

Four morale-boosting tips for the workplace – Canada

Employee morale can make or break an organization’s success.

Amy suggests ...

Four morale-boosting tips for the workplace

Your employees’ behaviors reflect your organization’s culture. Check out these employee appreciation ...

Tiffany discusses ...

Four creative ways to thank customers – Canada

Showing appreciation can help grow customer relationships and build loyalty. We offer meaningful customer...

Jason recommends ...

Four creative ways to thank customers

Showing appreciation can improve customer retention and your bottom line. Give thanks and build relations...

Amy discusses ...

Follow-up tools to turn trade show prospects into customers – Canada

With the help of these four tools—and some memorable giveaways—you can connect with your leads and tu...