Sarah recommends ...

How to make the most of virtual volunteers

Virtual volunteers can give you access to specialized skill sets. We share tips for acquiring and managin...

Maria writes ...

How to make the most of virtual volunteers – Canada

Using virtual volunteers can save you money and give you access to specialty skill sets. We share gift id...

Gina writes ...

How to make your first trade show a success

Are you thinking about adding trade shows to your sales and marketing mix?

Gail describes ...

How to make your first trade show a success – Canada

Are you thinking about adding trade shows to your sales and marketing mix? Consider this: A whopping 99% ...

Meghan discusses ...

How to make your virtual event a smashing success

Virtual events done right can increase attendance and produce a good ROI. We offer ideas on how to make y...

Shaun writes ...

How to make your virtual event a smashing success – Canada

Make your company’s virtual event the highlight of the year. We offer ideas on how to make your virtual...

Sherry writes ...

How to measure company culture for a stronger company

A strong, healthy culture is good for business. Learn how to measure company culture for boosting employe...

Tiffany writes ...

How to measure company culture for a stronger company – Canada

A strong culture predicts business success. Knowing how to measure company culture gives you a window int...

Erin writes ...

How to mend a donor relationship after a misunderstanding

Repairing upset feelings after a misunderstanding is crucial to improving a donor relationship. We offer ...

Jessie suggests ...

How to mend a donor relationship after a misunderstanding – Canada

Steps such as listening with empathy and taking responsibility can mend a donor relationship. We offer ti...

Tiffany chooses ...

How to motivate students

Knowing how to motivate students helps keep them engaged along their learning journey. We share tips and ...

Marc likes ...

How to motivate students – Canada

Help students get the most out of every lesson. We offer tips and motivational giveaways to motivate stud...

Cory suggests ...

How to optimize your website for voice search – Canada

Half of all internet searches will be voice prompted by 2020. Make sure your website can be found easily ...

Adam shares ...

How to plan a parade that’s one for the books

Whether you’re planning an entire parade or participating with your agency or department, we hope these...

Karri discusses ...

How to plan a parade that’s one for the books – Canada

If you’re tasked with planning your agency’s parade entry—or the entire parade—here are several t...

Anabel chooses ...

How to plan for a trade show, no matter your budget

Make a bang at your next trade show, no matter your budget. We discuss how to plan for a trade show to he...

Matt likes ...

How to plan for a trade show, no matter your budget – Canada

Your team can draw big crowds even on a small budget. We discuss how to plan for a trade show using fewer...

Yeng writes ...

How to polish up virtual sales calls: tips for before, during and after

Now that your sales team is conducting virtual sales calls rather than in-person meetings, share these be...

Amy describes ...

How to polish up virtual sales calls: tips for before, during and after – Canada

If your sales team is trying to polish their approach to virtual sales calls, we offer ideas to build rap...

Jason writes ...

How to praise students while sparking discussion

Saying, “Good job!” doesn’t start a discussion—it unintentionally ends it. Learn how to praise st...

Matt likes ...

How to praise students while sparking discussion – Canada

Telling a student, “Good work!” misses the chance to discuss and learn. We offer tips on how to prais...

Jason suggests ...

How to prepare for your best mobile roadshow

A mobile roadshow takes your brand directly to your target audience. We offer suggestions to help plan an...

Anne describes ...

How to prepare for your best mobile roadshow – Canada

Instead of asking customers to come to you, take your brand directly to them with a mobile roadshow. We o...

Elizabeth suggests ...

How to promote lifelong learning for your agency’s staff

Promote lifelong learning for your agency’s staff as a way to empower employees and prepare for the fut...

Sherry chooses ...

How to promote lifelong learning for your agency’s staff – Canada

Help empower your agency’s staff and prepare for the future with ways to promote lifelong learning. We ...

Tyler suggests ...

How to provide excellent customer service—even when you’re short-staffed

If you’re navigating being short-staffed and wondering how to still provide excellent customer service,...

Emily discusses ...

How to provide excellent customer service—even when you’re short-staffed – Canada

Even when you’re short-staffed, customers will still expect good service. We offer helpful ideas on how...

Amy shares ...

How to rally employees after a rough customer experience

How do you help your team rebound from a poor customer experience that leaves them down and out? Boost em...

Adam suggests ...

How to rally employees after a rough customer experience – Canada

Negative customer experiences can leave the team feeling down. Learn how to boost employee morale with th...

Sandy writes ...

How to recruit employees with better branding

Staff members want to understand their potential workplace before they submit their resumé. We tell you ...

Tiffany writes ...

How to recruit employees with better branding – Canada

Knowing how to recruit employees in this market can be a challenge. We share tips on using your brand, st...

Kelsey recommends ...

How to recruit, engage and retain excellent teachers

School administrators everywhere are wondering how to recruit, engage and retain top teachers. We offer i...

Gina writes ...

How to reduce waste with a circular economy

By shifting our mindset from consuming to reusing, transitioning to a circular economy is a realistic ans...

Lia suggests ...

How to reduce waste with a circular economy – Canada

Learn how to reduce waste and reuse materials by adopting a circular-economy approach.

Matt shares ...

How to repurpose content to reel in more leads, get double duty and more

Want to repurpose your content but not sure where to begin? It’s easier than you might think. We offer ...

Amanda writes ...

How to repurpose content to reel in more leads, get double duty and more – Canada

Whether you have a website full of valuable content or just a few pieces, repurposing your content saves ...

Marc shares ...

How to retain talent: Ideas and employee recognition gifts to re-recruit top staff

Make staying with your company for the long haul an easy choice for employees. We offer ideas and employe...

Karla discusses ...

How to retain talent: Ideas and employee recognition gifts to re-recruit top staff – Canada

When staff feel seen, heard and understood, they’re more likely to stay with your company. We offer ide...

Andy recommends ...

How to shake up your next gala – Canada

How can your nonprofit shake things up to make its next gala one your community members will want to atte...

Rebecca recommends ...

How to snag customers with geofencing

Give customers a virtual tap on the shoulder with geofencing and marketing promo items. They’ll walk th...

Jon likes ...

How to snag customers with geofencing – Canada

Encourage nearby customers to stop in with geofencing notifications. Use marketing promo items to get sta...

Pam likes ...

How to Sneak Activity into Sedentary Work for Healthy Employees

Sitting for long periods is detrimental to employee fitness and health. Learn several ways to sneak activ...

Whitney chooses ...

How to start a small business blog

Did you know businesses with blogs get 55% more web traffic? We share tips on how to start a small busine...

Sarah recommends ...

How to strengthen your digital healthcare marketing strategy

How’s your digital healthcare marketing strategy? Optimizing for local SEO and producing educational co...

Angie describes ...

How to strengthen your digital healthcare marketing strategy – Canada

It’s time for a check-up—for your digital healthcare marketing strategy, that is. We offer ideas to h...

Sarah recommends ...

How to support employees at work and at home

Taking care of staff beyond their work life comes with business benefits. We share tips on how to support...

Sarah recommends ...

How to support employees at work and at home – Canada

Your business is likely to benefit when you help staff at work and at home. We share tips on how to suppo...

Adam likes ...

How to support healthcare staff in surviving long hours – Canada

Long hours can be hard on healthcare workers. With creativity and employee appreciation gifts, you can he...

Tiffany shares ...

How to support healthcare staff working long shifts

Long hours equal hard days. These creative ideas and employee appreciation gifts can help staff stay heal...

Heidi discusses ...

How to teach financial literacy

If you know how to teach financial literacy, you can help students from preschool to high school understa...