Pam describes ...

Improve patient communication by identifying different personas

The experience you provide your patients is now more important than ever. By 2020, 88 percent of companie...

Shaun recommends ...

Bite-size ads keep them coming back for more

In 2016, Google® launched a new ad format called bumper ads.

Amanda writes ...

Bite-size ads keep them coming back for more – Canada

A quick laugh. A heart-tugging moment. A fabulous feature. You can choose to highlight any one of these t...

Cory describes ...

Effective communication strategies to engage parents and teachers

With all that information, it’s easy for things to slip through the cracks.

Gina suggests ...

Effective communication strategies to engage parents and teachers – Canada

If everyone spent three minutes reading and responding to each of those emails, they would spend more tha...

Alysia shares ...

Snag valuable face time in a digital world

More than 4 billion people across the globe use the internet. In the United States, there are an estimate...

Amy discusses ...

Snag valuable face time in a digital world – Canada

More than 4 billion people across the globe use the internet. In Canada, 76 percent of the population use...

Adam shares ...

How to plan a parade that’s one for the books

Whether you’re planning an entire parade or participating with your agency or department, we hope these...

Karri discusses ...

How to plan a parade that’s one for the books – Canada

If you’re tasked with planning your agency’s parade entry—or the entire parade—here are several t...

Brenda describes ...

How to build the best committee for your nonprofit

Great committees keep board meetings from becoming boring meetings. Having board committees handle early ...

Andy suggests ...

How to build the best committee for your nonprofit – Canada

We’ve put together a simple set of tips along with nonprofit swag that will help you build productive c...

Daryl discusses ...

How to drive customer traffic to your door during road construction

Communicating early and often about impending street repairs not only prepares customers, but it also kee...

Sarah recommends ...

How to drive customer traffic to your door during road construction – Canada

Did you know that Canada’s road network is long enough to circle the equator more than 19 times? Thatâ€...

Whitney recommends ...

4 Ways to help patients remember post-visit instructions – Canada

You can help patients retain their post-visit instructions with these simple tips. Use some healthcare pr...

Molly shares ...

4 ways to help patients remember post-visit instructions

The moment a patient walks out the door, they tend to forget 40 to 80 percent of the information given to...

Robert discusses ...

Boost employee loyalty with personalized benefits

Personalization is everywhere today, including in company benefit plans.

Jenn discusses ...

Boost employee loyalty with personalized benefits – Canada

If you’re looking to personalize your employee benefits, keep reading for a few ideas and some employee...

Sarah discusses ...

Advantageous ways AI can power up customer interactions – Canada

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in customer service is on the rise, and it’s likely more common...

Tiffany suggests ...

Advantageous ways AI can power up customer interactions

One study estimated that by 2020, 85 percent of customer interactions will occur with no human involvemen...

Robert discusses ...

Data collection pro-tips to create better lead connections

While making an initial contact is essential for a relationship, following up is even more critical.

Cheryl discusses ...

Data collection pro-tips to create better lead connections – Canada

Follow-ups should be timely, friendly and customized, reflecting each client’s needs, interests and pai...

Kristi suggests ...

4 notable ways everyone benefits from collaborative learning

Working in the education field, you’ve probably heard the term “collaborative learning” many times....

Andy describes ...

4 notable ways everyone benefits from collaborative learning – Canada

Collaborative learning is an approach to teaching that involves people working together to reach a common...

Matt describes ...

Make your neighborhoods shine with a community cleanup

Rolling up shirt sleeves for a community cleanup can have more than just a visual impact on your communit...

Andy discusses ...

Make your neighbourhoods shine with a community cleanup – Canada

Cleaning up a community doesn’t just lower crime and add value to a neighbourhood, it also brings peopl...

Amy describes ...

Little-known tools that reduce event planning stress

Hosting an event for your nonprofit is a lot of work. For it to be successful, you need to raise enough m...

Sherry shares ...

Little-known tools that reduce event-planning stress – Canada

With these helpful tools, planning and hosting your organization’s next big event will be a breeze. Don...

Daryl describes ...

Better your hiring process using remote interviews

Remote work is becoming more of a norm than an exception.

Andy describes ...

Better your hiring process using remote interviews – Canada

Virtual interviews are convenient and affordable, saving both recruiters and recruits time, money and ene...

Tiffany writes ...

Recruitment tips and giveaways to target top talent

By networking, making potential employees aware of your company benefits and recruitment giveaways, youâ€...

Cory writes ...

Recruitment tips and giveaways to target top talent – Canada

When it comes to running a small business, hiring is a good news/bad news situation. On the one hand, it ...

Whitney describes ...

5 common concerns about virtual care and how to address them

The stats are in, and they all point to virtual care. You may be surprised to learn 78 percent of patient...

Sherry suggests ...

5 common concerns about virtual care and how to address them – Canada

Here are five of the biggest concerns users have with virtual care and how to overcome them using these t...

Zach writes ...

Sports fundraising ideas that’ll score more donations

According to the National Federation of State High School Associations, high school sports participation ...

Andy discusses ...

Sports fundraising ideas that’ll score more donations – Canada

Participating in high school sports comes with many benefits, like better overall health, teamwork skills...

Daryl writes ...

Captivate their senses—and interest—with a multisensory exhibit

The average consumer is exposed to nearly 10,000 brand messages per day.

Amy writes ...

Captivate their senses—and interest—with a multisensory exhibit – Canada

A study by Oxford University found that more than half of millennials feel increasingly disconnected from...

Alexis suggests ...

Marketing strategies to turn a customer’s pain to a customer gained

Customers have problems that you can solve. By discovering those problems, you will be better able to off...

Andy writes ...

Marketing strategies to turn a customer’s pain to a customer gained – Canada

At its most basic level, marketing can be summarized in two simple statements: Customers have problems. B...

Whitney likes ...

4 easy ways to reach younger constituents

Millennials, or those born between 1981 and 1996, are becoming essential stakeholders in many communities...

Robert writes ...

4 easy ways to reach younger constituents – Canada

As the first generation raised on technology, different methods must be used to engage Millennials.

Brenda writes ...

Social media engagement tips that deserve a thumbs up

Read on to get some social media marketing ideas for small business. Then pair them with social media giv...

Amanda discusses ...

Social media engagement tips that are worth the share – Canada

It may come as no surprise that 94 percent of small businesses use social media for marketing.

Daryl discusses ...

Tips to writing a winning grant proposal

If you are among the more than 1.5 million nonprofits in the United States, you understand the challenges...

Gail describes ...

Tips to writing a winning grant proposal – Canada

If you are among the more than 170,000 nonprofit and charitable organizations in Canada, you understand t...

Gina recommends ...

Travel tips to make their next business trip take off with ease

Last year, Americans took 462 million domestic business trips.

Amanda describes ...

Travel tips to make your next business trip take off with ease – Canada

Canadian travellers took 35.1 million domestic business trips in 2016, an increase of 5.7 percent over th...

Molly digs ...

Popular coping strategies to reduce employee stress

Offer your team stress relief giveaways to remind them how important it is to laugh, sleep and have a lit...

Cory describes ...

Popular coping strategies to reduce employee stress – Canada

Stress is a factor in almost every workplace. In fact, 58 percent of Canadians say they are overworked, w...

Cindy writes ...

Ergonomic basics to help keep employees in good form

Ergonomics, or the study of how people interact with their work environment, aims to eliminate injuries c...