Sarah writes ...

Kimberly High School: one by one story

Kimberly High School's Life Force club received a promotional products grant through 4imprint's one by on...

Sarah likes ...

Giving a warm college send-off with branded blankets

The Heart of Appalachia Talent Search Program provides extra academic support and branded blankets inside...

Cheryl writes ...

How duffel bag giveaways provide necessities during unexpected hospital stays

When kids have an unexpected hospital stay miles from home, parents are often left without so much as a t...

Cheryl writes ...

How tote bag giveaways help new moms in underserved communities

EveryMom Chicago is making a difference by stocking tote bag giveaways with supplies that provide a world...

Cheryl writes ...

How water bottle giveaways empower individuals to take control of their health

Carlington Community Health Centre wants to help individuals take control of their health. Water bottle g...