Jason discusses ...

How wearable health devices can empower patients and providers – Canada

Wearable health devices such as smartwatches can give providers access to patient data and provide remote...

Kristi digs ...

5 ways to help healthcare staff develop a positive mindset at work – Canada

A positive mindset at work can help healthcare staff feel better mentally and physically. We have ideas i...

Kathi describes ...

5 tips for providing excellent virtual healthcare for patients – Canada

Virtual healthcare tips like advertising your services efficiently and providing technology training can ...

Andy describes ...

How DEI in healthcare can drive better patient outcomes – Canada

DEI in healthcare helps foster an environment where everyone is treated with respect and fairness. It can...

Alysia discusses ...

How can we help? Call centre best practices – Canada

When patients get in touch with your call centre or hotline, it’s because they need help. Make every co...