Whitney likes ...

Event swag they’ll use all year

Stand out at conferences, expos and other gatherings by giving event swag people will want and use. Spoil...

Sarah recommends ...

Fashion meets function: 5 swag ideas for events

When stylish meets practical, recipients remember the moment. The right swag ideas for events can make a ...

Indigo suggests ...

Make the most of your event budget with promo giveaway ideas for every price point – Canada

Having and sticking to a budget can help make your next event a big success, no matter what the size. We ...

Molly suggests ...

Virtual event swag to engage and thrill attendees – Canada

Virtual event swag can get attendees engaged in and excited about your online training, holiday party, fu...

Shaun describes ...

5 tips for launching a better virtual panel discussion – Canada

A great virtual panel discussion gets the audience thinking and talking. We share tips to help you maximi...