4imprint, LLC

| Updated: July 13, 2021

Research conducted by Gallup® reminds us: people don’t leave jobs, they leave managers. According to its survey of 7,200 workers, approximately half left a job to escape a poor boss. In fact, managers are cited as the top cause of unhappiness at work.

It’s not all doom and gloom. Bosses have room to improve and reasons to do so. A 2016 Society for Human Resource Management® (SHRM) study discovered that trust between employees and senior management is a top contributor to job satisfaction. Half of employees say their relationship with their immediate supervisor is a key factor in keeping them engaged at work (PDF).

For more on how to be good manager, keep reading as we explore several top traits of a good manager.



A good manager has enthusiasm. They are passionate about what they do, the people they work with, and what they are trying to accomplish. Their fervour is contagious and can quickly influence a department or office.


Not only do good bosses have vision, they share it with their team. They establish worthwhile goals, set priorities and communicate progress (and failure) “effectively and often.”


To be a better manager, put yourself in your employees’ shoes. They like to be recognized when they do their job well. By frequently recognizing the contributions of team members, you can begin a ripple effect. Employees have an increased sense that their employer cares about them—even when it is someone else being rewarded or recognized. A keepsake box or a holiday gift such as a logo’d ornament or cookie cutter accompanied by a handwritten greeting makes a great employee appreciation gift.


Great bosses are aware of each employee’s strengths, and they use those skills to tap employee knowledge, passion and more. Forbes® likens it to a game of chess where employees have unique roles, abilities and limitations. Best utilizing employees’ talents is an effective means to get the job done, and it increases job satisfaction. After all, people like doing what they’re good at.

Discover employee strengths with an exercise like StrengthsFinder 2.0®. Or conduct a survey to uncover employee likes, dislikes, strengths and weaknesses. Encourage participation with a small thank you for completion—an emoji pen or planter makes a nice choice.


Good bosses are personable, warm and easy to approach. They are empathetic toward others’ emotions and unafraid to express their own. They relate to their staff as a “person first, and boss second.” And they openly address their mistakes so others may learn from them.


Remember, a good manager creates a great team—with employees who feel satisfied in their job, are recognized for their strengths and appreciated for all they contribute.

Now that you know how to be a good manager, you can inspire others.