4imprint, LLC

3 min read

It’s been a challenging year for everyone, but especially for healthcare workers—and that includes everyone from administration to sanitation. Unfortunately, at a time when recognition means the most, 82% of professionals don’t feel they’re properly recognized for their work. To help ensure your staff is getting the kudos they’ve earned, we’ve assembled a list of the six best employee recognition ideas.


Idea #1: Offer a surprise leisure hour


After weeks or even months on the job with constantly changing protocols, simply giving employees a little extra breathing room can feel like a much-needed vacation—and that makes it a great recognition idea.


Offer employees an extra hour for lunch, time in the day to take a walk, or access to a quiet space where they can read, meditate or just have time for themselves. You can even put an essential oil diffuser or candle in the room to add an “air” of calm.


Idea #2: Keep everyone well fed


Sometimes a healthy snack is enough to keep people going during a long shift. Instead of letting staff members head to a vending machine, provide tasty snacks, like trail mix or granola bars, to give them a nutritional boost.


Idea #3: Recognize those who go above and beyond


When someone takes an extra shift, stays an extra hour or takes time out of their day to help a staff member or another patient, that effort doesn’t always get seen. Let staff members nominate one another for an “Extra Mile” award. Then present winners with a framed certificate or gift card, so they know their actions are noticed and appreciated.


Idea #4: Provide words of recognition


Words can be powerful—and sharing the right words at the right time can be even more so. Try sharing:


  • A thank-you note when you see a staff member going above and beyond
  • Social media posts that share special recognitions for staff members’ extra work
  • Daily emails that share staff accomplishments

Idea #5: Support their outside interests and downtime


The person who serves food could be a poet, and the person cleaning the floors might love to paint. Provide employee appreciation gifts that fuel their passion and offer them a mental break from day-to-day stressors. Whether it’s a gift card to a bookstore or a collection of art supplies, your gift will remind them to practice self-care.


Idea #6: Keep them comfortable at work


Sometimes the best staff appreciation ideas for employees are simple gifts that provide a little extra comfort. Sharing something useful, like comfy socks or mask ear guards, can help people feel appreciated and make it easier to get through the day.


Three cheers for healthcare


Now more than ever, we need to celebrate the hard work and dedication of everyone working in the healthcare field. In the end, the best employee recognition ideas are gifts which demonstrate that you understand just how essential your staff members are.