4imprint, LLC

| Updated: July 12, 2023

Editor’s Note: This blog post was originally published in February 2019 and has since been modified to incorporate new research and creative promotional products.

One of Thomas Edison’s most well-known sayings is, “Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.” While it’s true that hard work is important, the benefits of inspiration can be impressive. Consider: An engaged employee is 21 percent more productive than one who is merely satisfied, while an inspired employee is 125 percent more productive than a satisfied employee. Inspiring employees may be easier than you think! With regular recognition, a little bit of freedom and some creative promotional products, you can inspire your employees and build your bottom line.


Recognize a job well done with creative thank yous

A simple way to inspire employees is to recognize the great work they do. In fact, 79% say that recognition makes them work harder. Recognition doesn’t need to be elaborate or costly. A verbal thank you, quick email, creative employee appreciation gift or handwritten Thank You Note Card lets employees know you value the work they’re doing.

A creative promotional gift, like a Fusion Bound Journal used as a “Good Book,” is a great way to recognize team members at weekly meetings or other in-office gatherings. Jot down praiseworthy accomplishments you observe (or that are brought to your attention) and share them regularly with the team. Give everyone who is recognized a journal of their own as a token of thanks.


Encourage employees to personalize their workspace with inspiring gifts

Inspiration can come from anywhere. Allow staff to personalize and decorate their workspace to help them feel more comfortable, inspired and ready to work. Encourage them to bring in plants, family photos and pictures of favorite vacation spots to set the scene. Give out a creative promotional product, like a Whitewash Message Board, and encourage them to display whatever inspires them the most.


Foster employee growth with opportunities and creative promotional products

Professional growth can be a great motivator for employees. According to one report, 93 percent of employees will stay at a company longer if it invests in their career. And companies with actively motivated employees see a 27% higher profit.

Seek out opportunities and create development plans to inspire your team to be the best employees they can be. As you help them plan for their mentorship, class or another professional development opportunity, give them a creative promotional gift like an Adult Coloring Book Planner where they can record check-in dates, keep track of their growth and tap into their artistic side.


Give employees power and help them use it wisely with colorful giveaways

Providing employees autonomy of their projects and work time and trusting them to get their work done can inspire them to be their best selves. They may even find new, better ways to do their work. Offer a creative corporate gift like a colorful Bic® Sticky Note to-do list. Tell your employees that how they get their work done is up to them and watch them rise to the occasion.


Implement a corporate incentive program with fun rewards

Sixty-six percent of employees were motivated to stay at their job when a corporate incentive program was put in place.

Allow employees to take on new projects that interest them or try a management role while another manager is on vacation. Team members will feel inspired by the challenge and your trust that they can succeed. Treat your employees to coffee and talk about new roles, responsibilities or projects. Give them a Challenger Coffee Mug to take with them after the meeting. It will serve as a fun reminder of your faith in them.


Inspired employees are excited employees

Inspiring employees with recognition, an exciting challenge and creative promotional products can help them be their best selves, making them more creative, independent and skilled. In the end, their success will be your success.