While traveling recently, I saw two great examples of brands using inflatable promotional items in fun new ways: eye-catching guerrilla marketing and window design.
Neon inflatable promo items
Outside a store, a team of people wore large inflatable neon flip-flops, attracting attention at an outdoor shopping center.
Backdrop blow-up promotional products
Not long after seeing the bright colors of the street-level marketing, I saw a window display using inflatable promotional products as a backdrop. Talk about an eye-catching way to use blow-up promo items.
Beach-worthy blow-up promo items
Inflatable beach balls would make a great promotional window display that could work for a sports-themed window. String multiple balls together like popcorn and cranberries or colored garland for a holiday display.
Inflatable promotional items for the win
Whether planning a window display, street-level marketing event or a fun giveaway, check out our blow-up promotional products. These eye-catching items are sure to gain the attention of passersby.