4imprint, LLC

Posted: May 27, 2022 4 min read

According to a 2022 study, nine in ten travellers are planning a trip in the next six months. If your clients or employees are planning a summer vacation—or if they’re just gearing up for a great summer staycation—help them make the most of it with summer giveaways.


Beach and pool

Your clients and employees will have oceans of fun when they head to the nearest body of water. Fill a tote backpack with sunglasses and sunscreen and be sure to include a discount coupon for their next purchase. Slip a beach towel in the tote as a thank-you gift for every purchase. For customers who spend over a certain amount, award them with a combination bottle and speaker. They’ll be a hit at the next pool party—and so will your brand. Give your most loyal and high-spending customers a chair cooler. It is the perfect combination gift for any event.


Barbeques and picnics

Host an open house barbeque to spread brand awareness and grow your reputation. Flip hamburgers and hotdogs with BBQ tools and raffle off extras as prizes. Or enter those who share their contact details into a drawing for a compact grill and cooler or a picnic blanket tote. Your logo will be prominently displayed on all their weekend adventures.


Boost summer engagement on social media with a fun challenge. Ask people to submit a photo of their most exhilarating summer experience. Pick a random participant to win picnic backpack set. It includes plates, mugs, cutlery and napkins for two, so recipients can enjoy a peaceful picnic with their favorite plus one.


Travel and vacations

Your employees will appreciate working for your company even more when you give them a gift that helps them enjoy their vacation. Before they head out, give a practical gift they can use again and again, such as a cotton weekender bag. If they travel with their furry family members, a travel pet bowl is a memorable giveaway.


Keep the fun going all summer by giving away an acrylic travel mug or mesh accent cap with purchase. These are items people will use every day, which means they’ll think of your brand every day too!


Fun and games

Host a family fun day for clients and employees. Set up multiple games like a giant tumble tower  and the classic bean bag toss. Take it to the next level by turning those fun games into a competition. Winners get a folding four-person table. Every time they break out their table for another round of fun, they’ll remember your brand.


Gather at a local park for a fun game of water balloon toss. Divide your team into small groups for charades. Or put together a fun outdoor scavenger hunt. Items to hunt for can include anything from a paper clip to a wild mushroom. The winning team gets noise cancelling headphones (plus bragging rights).


Dive into summer

Help clients have the coolest vacation yet with summer giveaways from your business. From practical vacation items to memorable prizes, you’ll become the hottest brand around.