4imprint, LLC

Posted: May 17, 2024 4 min read

Sponsorship collaborations often prove to be a win-win scenario. On one side, an event or cause gets crucial support. On the other, an organization or entity gets exposure. Consider the Super Bowl®. Few events get that level of attention, which is why millions of dollars are poured into sponsorship deals each year. This year’s game offered more than $450,000 in value for each brand exposure. The sponsor of the halftime show alone earned $16 million in media value.


Becoming a sponsor for one of the world’s biggest events might be unrealistic. However, establishing a partnership that aligns with your organization’s scale and objectives, coupled with strategic utilization of branded promotional products, could produce big benefits. Here are four ways to benefit from becoming a sponsor.


Support a team


The Super Bowl is a high-profile example of the long-running ties between sports and sponsorships. Many teams, whether a local youth basketball league or a professional soccer or auto racing team seen on TV, rely on sponsors.


One of the perks of sponsoring a team name is consistent exposure. Outfit the hoops squad in branded basketball jerseys, and your brand gets a boost all season long. Become a sponsor for a baseball or softball league and get your team looking great in timeless baseball shirts. Think outside traditional organized athletics too. Baseball caps can unite a youth robotics team and pom-pom beanies style up participants in a pond hockey tournament.


Help make an event happen


Sponsors are essential for many community events, including parades, festivals, fundraisers and concerts. Many municipalities or nonprofits organize these activities, but much of the funding and support comes from sponsors like you.


Branded promo items, like sunglasses or color-changing cups, amplify the fun for an outdoor music series. When planning a race or run/walk event, sponsors often collaborate on swag bags. Add fun items like a branded water bottle or small sunscreen to add to the experience of the event.


Align with a venue


Many sporting and entertainment events are held in theaters, halls, arenas and stadiums that offer opportunities for naming rights. On a smaller scale, community parks and athletic fields often have sponsorship agreements with community organizations or individual donors.


The benefits of a venue sponsorship offer more than just name recognition. Forge relationships beyond naming rights to establish a deeper partnership with an event venue, offering mutual advantages. For instance, a convention center might host a variety of different events in a year but can always count on loyal partners to provide printed materials, lanyards, beverage cups, leave-behinds and more. When a trade show comes to town, drawstring sportpacks become swag bags. If a golf expo is ready to tee off, sets of golf balls imprinted with your logo are a winning door prize.


Get behind a good cause


Putting your organizational support behind a charity or social cause can build goodwill while increasing brand visibility. Find the right match for your mission and values, and they’ll be psyched to have your team involved.


Launch a canned good drive to support a local pantry and offer incentives—like a logo sticker or bucket hat—for different levels of giving. Offer employees an opportunity to donate to an animal rescue or reading program, and for every $5 they donate, they earn a casual-dress day. Hand out custom lapel pins so donors can proudly show their support. Get your employees involved by selling T-shirts to raise funds for causes close to their hearts. For example, in recognition of Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month in June, you could coordinate a cash collection and donate the proceeds to the Alzheimer’s Association®. Show your appreciation to everyone who participated with a reward, like a purple tee, to wear on Fridays throughout the month.


Get your name in the game


Becoming a sponsor—whether of a team, event, venue or cause—is a great way to increase community involvement. By complementing sponsorships with branded promotional products, you not only enhance brand visibility but also foster deeper connections with your audience. When individuals associate your brand with enjoyable experiences at games, concerts or fundraisers, it strengthens brand affinity and leaves a lasting impression.