4imprint, LLC

Posted: April 16, 2021 | Updated: September 09, 2024 4 min read

Boost workplace happiness. Improve employee mental health. Amp up productivity. All of this is possible if your team increases their physical activity. In fact—physical activity could add five days of productivity per employee each year! Be sure to keep in mind that employee fitness levels (and limitations) vary. Offer options that appeal to everyone. Try some of these employee fitness ideas to help get you started.

Hold team events

Incorporate team events into the workday that get everyone moving. Be sure to plan ahead so the events don’t affect productivity. Consider cutting down employee’s required hours on the weeks when you hold these activities. That way, they’ll be less likely to skip out so they can get more work done. Host monthly outings to an indoor rock-climbing gym. Or keep it simple with twice monthly soccer or baseball games. Offer prizes to those who participate. Fitness giveaways like a glass water bottle with sleeve or a comfy T-shirt fit the bill.


Designate “10 Minutes of Movement”

Encourage making physical activity a habit by picking a certain time each day (or each week—whatever seems most realistic for your team) to get away from the desk to move. It can be as easy as asking employees to spend 10 minutes stretching or exercising near their desks. To encourage participation, designate a leader who will help guide staff through a short routine—think yoga, simple cardio or weightlifting. Stock the break room or send remote employee items like exercise body bands and stretch bands to make exercising easy.


If you’re able, offer a paid hour each week to hit the gym. This allows people to work at their fitness level while giving them the opportunity to try new things.


Get competitive

Get team members competing against each other for some good-natured fun! Give everyone a fitness tracker to count their steps. This is a great way to help employees stay active even if most of their time is spent indoors. Encourage them to take the stairs, walk to work or even jog in place near their desks to boost step counts. At the end of the month, whoever has the most steps gets a fitness mat or a deluxe box of trail mix.


Consider partnering with a local gym, giving your employees perks not available to the general public (maybe a monthly discount or free merchandise). At the end of six months, whoever used their gym membership the most gets an extra day of vacation.


Re-engineer the workspace

Take a look at your employees’ workspaces to see if you can encourage more activity. Consider setting up tall tables or installing standing desks to get people on their feet, or host walking meetings.


You can provide incentives for remote employees, too. For example, set up a monthly competition where remote employees show how their home office promotes physical fitness.  Encourage them to set up a treadmill, so they can walk and work at the same time. Or have them keep a yoga mat handy to take five-minute stretch breaks throughout the day. Offer a variety of prizes, like a comfortable fitness jacket or kitchen essentials. A bamboo cutting board, spatula/turner or a new knife set can encourage healthy eating. You could even offer an extra half-day off or a small cash prize.


Employee fitness ideas to keep your team active

An active staff benefits from better health, better moods and higher productivity. With these employee fitness ideas, your team will be on their way to a healthier life.